Say G’day to Australian Pull Ups

Say G’day to Australian Pull Ups Featured

This exercise is more accessible than conventional pull-ups and is essentially a bodyweight row. The body angle and contact with the ground change the dynamics and reduce the muscular effort required to lift the upper body towards the bar. The fact that intensity is quickly graduated by either raising (reduces intensity) or lowering (increases intensity) the height of the bar means the Australian pull up is perfect for people looking to progress to full pull-ups. They are also a great exercise for any upper back workout.

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What is a Block Pull?

What is a Block Pull?

A block pull is a deadlift variation where the barbell starts elevated off the ground. This allows the lifter to focus on the top-end range of motion of the deadlift, which can be helpful for addressing weaknesses in this area.

Block pulls are a great way to improve your deadlift strength and technique. They can also help you to build muscle mass in your back (including erector spinae), glutes, and hamstrings. If you are looking to improve your deadlift, block pulls are a great exercise to add to your routine.

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The Health Benefits of Surfing

The Health Benefits of Surfing

Surfing is a great way to get exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and connect with nature. Surfing is a low-impact sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. If you are looking for a fun, healthy, and challenging activity, surfing is a great option. With its many health benefits, surfing is an awesome way to improve your overall wellbeing.

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The Ultimate Guide to Health and Wellness Coaching

The Ultimate Guide to Health and Wellness Coaching

As our lifestyles become increasingly demanding, stress and poor health are taking a toll on our well-being. Fortunately, a health and wellness coach can help you lead a healthier and happier life.

A coach assists their clients in evaluating their health. They then devise long-term plans to better their physical and mental wellbeing. This includes making lifestyle interventions and behaviour changes that promote healthier habits.

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